Paul and I have a "blended" family. No one knows what that really means until you have one yourself. Its like instant kids. We both get two. Its a blessing and a challenge to catch up on parenting brand new, grown-up kids. We love our new family. Here they are from oldest to youngest-
Jim is my oldest son. He is married to Ashley and they have 2 sweet kitties, Thistle and Aster. They live in Middleton, near Madison. I adore Ashley and am so happy to have such a beautiful, warm and loving daughter-in-law. Jim worked for Senator Feingold and graduated from Carroll College. He loves politics and I sincerely think he will change the world. He enjoys soccer and bowling and of course, computers.
Brett is my youngest son. He has a beautiful new daughter, Brooke. Sam is Brooke's mom and she is my other new daughter. It is amazing to watch your son become a father. I really love being a grandma! Brett works for a security company. He lives with his friends in West Allis. He has strong political views, like his brother and mom. He love sports and plays softball and disc golf. He will be showing us all how to play at the wedding!
Dustyn is Paul's son. He is a sophomore at West Bend East High School. He is 16. He really, really, really loves computer games and gobbles up books with stories like Narnia and Harry Potter He enjoys Animae and Manga like art and tv shows. I would love to see him thrive and grow as a young man. Anything is possible!
Ashley is our youngest. She is 15 and is a freshman at West Bend East High School. She loves acting in plays, being in the band, art and writing stories. She plays the flute. She is very creative! She once was an Irish dancer. Ashley and Dustyn have a little sister, Paula. Ashley is very active in her church. She likes to swim. I hit the daughter jackpot!